Stepping onto the road

Stepping onto the road

“We admitted we were powerless over food – that our lives had become unmanageable”

– Step One, The Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of Overeaters Anonymous

I came into the OA rooms like so many others. Desperate.  Desperate to be fixed. Desperate to be rid of this flaw that was holding me back. I learned I had to travel a road of 12 Steps. 

There are only 12 Steps? That shouldn’t be too hard. I was determined to walk every step as quickly as possible. Of course, these steps are simple but not easy. I do have moments of blissful recovery, however, I dare not get complacent. Step 1 is the gentle and loving reminder of my own nature. I have surrendered to always being on this road. What a pleasant road to be on, is it not? It is already paved and well signposted. It is full of other people offering loads of companionship, encouragement, support, and love. People who understand my predicament.

When I see newcomers enter the rooms, my heart swells with so many emotions. I feel sorrow for the pain they have surely endured. Hope that their first meeting will encourage them to come back.  Joy for the glorious potential ahead, should they choose to take it. They might not realise it, but they have found the steep, but beautiful road leading to freedom from themselves and their disease. They just have to take the first step!

– C, Johannesburg

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